Heal Trauma, embrace love

Dr. Harry Grammer is sparking a conversation, rooted in Liberation Psychology, to help heal generational trauma and advance social justice. 

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our minds.”

harry grammer’s soon-to-launch podcast 

LIMINAL looks to get at the “why” of what people do, more than the “what” itself. Harry is interested in who people are, what drives them, and what happened in their own lives to make them who they are today. LIMINAL will discuss the motivation that comes from someone’s personal pain and hardship. We’re curious about what transforms someone into a person who, before they leave earth, has changed the world in some way.

Harry bridges worlds and connects people by providing a space for healing and happiness through…. 


A Sanskrit word that describes the act of selfless service. More than merely a desire to help people, it is an expression of compassion for others and a genuine desire to uplift those around you. 


The power of self-expression has the ability to heal both ourselves and others – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. 


Eco-liberation is the term used to describe freeing our home and returning to the wilderness to rediscover our true nature. Eco-liberation underlines that humans and nature are indissolubly connected and the liberation of one depends on the liberation of the other. 

Through compassionate service, restorative expression, and connection to nature, Harry supports healing and discovery.

Obama Foundation Fellow

CNN Hero

TEDx Speaker

Aubrey Marcus Podcast

Book Harry to speak on

Juvenile (In)Justice

Arts Education

Plant Medicine

